
Banking services of the GTK

In addition to its fundamental missions relating to the collection of revenue, the control and execution of expenditure of the State and of the territorial collectivities, the General Treasury of the Kingdom exercises an activity of banking and collecting savings, intended for financing the public treasury. The GTK's banking activity is carried out by 57 contact points spread across the national territory. It is centrally supervised by the Division of Public Debt.

As part of this activity, the GTK offers its customers - individuals & institutions - two banking products, namely sight deposit account and term deposit account, and a long with them all the basic banking services with the exception of credits and overdraft.

Sight deposit account

By opening a sight deposit account at GTK, you benefit from many advantages:

  • Attractive compensation
  • Almost free banking services
  • Quality of service constantly improved;
  • An extensive agency network
  • Diversified access channels (ATM, online banking, ...)

You also have a multitude of banking services:

operations of withdrawal and payment:

  • Withdrawal of funds from GTK counters
  • Withdrawal by credit card from GTK ATMs
  • Payment by check or bank transfer
  • Provision of funds
  • Domiciliation of invoices (water, electricity, telecom)

Collection operations:

  • Cashing of bank checks
  • Cashing of bills of exchange
  • Automatic transfer of wages, pensions and other forms of income

Currency transactions

  • Cashing of checks and bills drawn abroad
  • Transfer of funds to or from abroad (living expenses, school fees, pensions ...)
  • Manual exchange.

And you will be regularly informed about your transactions:

  • Monthly account statement or on demand
  • Notice of operation;
  • Free access to the service - GTK online bank.
Term deposit account

The term deposit at the GTK is a secure investment, free of charge and at an attractive interest rate.

Placement periods

You have the choice between two maturities: 3 months and 6 months.


At the due date, the capital invested and the interest generated are paid into your sight deposit account.

Total early withdrawal

If necessary you can make, without any constraint or penalty, an anticipated total withdrawal from your term deposit account.

Automatic renewal

Your investment can be automatically renewed at maturity at the interest rate in effect on the date of renewal.

GTK Online bank
TGR BanqueNet

With a single click, the service - GTK BanqueNet - allows you to securely access your accounts 24/7 and to benefit from a multitude of remote services free of charge:

With the GTK Online Bank, you can benefit from a multitude of free teleservices:

  • Balance and transaction consultation
  • Issuing of account statement
  • Download of account movements
  • Payment of receivables and settlement of invoices
  • Request for checkbook.

To benefit from these services, you just need to make a request to your agency, which will give you your username and password.