
Terms of Service

Article 1 - object

The General Treasury of the Kingdom provides its clients with an online banking service "TGR BanqueNet", accessible via the address “https://banquenet.tgr.gov.ma/banque” and which offers inquiries and payment services.

The purpose of this agreement is to define the terms and conditions under which, on the one hand, the General Treasury of the Kingdom makes available to the Subscriber the "TGR BanqueNet", and on the other hand, the Subscriber accesses and uses this online banking service.

The parties agree that the elements they provide, during a transaction, have evidentiary force. Any use of the service is subject to compliance with these terms and conditions.

Article 2 - Service access, identification and security

The Subscriber accesses the "TGR BanqueNet" service using a username and password communicated to him by the GTK. The username and password are strictly confidential and their use is made under the Subscriber's entire responsibility.

It is recommended to change the password on a regular basis.

Article 3 - Duration and Termination

The present subscription is concluded for an indefinite period of time. The Subscriber may terminate his subscription to the “TGR BanqueNet” service by simple request to his agency. In this case, the access to the “TGR BanqueNet” will be closed by the GTK as soon as possible.

Article 4 - Modification of the subscription contract

The GTK reserves the right to make any modifications to its online banking services, it deems necessary and useful in order to adapt them, in particular, to changes in its operations.

The Subscriber will be notified of any changes made by the GTK to its “TGR BanqueNet” service or to these terms and conditions of use, from their date of entry into force.